I'm still at home, so I could easily go for keep writing in Italian, at least for a while. But I'm doing it properly, so.. uahuah, let me write a bit in English, a bit in Italian. A good compromise.
Today, finally, for my own's sake, has been my very last day of school, as I called it. Last day I worked in a bank. Last day I touched some thousands euros, probably last day I handled 500 euros bills in my life. Poor expectations, right? Right. No, I'm jocking. One day I'll be handling a lot of them, without being harassed by hordes of people craving for withdrawals at the same moment.
Anyway, the last day.
I woke up pretty energetic today, active. Not usual for me. Then, I hauled myself to the kitchen window, and looked outside. The view was gorgeous. Perhaps the factories and the rural homes betrayed the fact that I still was in Padova staring north to the Dolomites and the Alps, but them, they were just amazing today. The sky was clear, extremely clear. Not 99.5%, but 100% clear. I could see those mountaintops shining from the first sunbeams in the morning. Some of them were bright yellow, others red gaining a hint of orange. The sky as well was getting coloured: reddish, purple, some deep blu reflections somewhere. It was kind of breathtaking, the way a simple stare out of your window could enchant you. That was it, this morning.
I drove my car towards what I used to call "the cage" in the last days for the last time this morning, listening to a song called "America". Inspirations.
I got back to my car and I found the first song playing on my Ipod being "Life goes on", by 2Pac. Was it a sign? I guess so. I drove back home happily, the wind blowing on my neck, the sun shining on my sunglasses. As happy as a scholar going home with her friends after the last day of school.
Posso dire una cosa, ora. E' stato un giorno strano, felice ma strano. Sebbene tutto sia girato bene (nessun cliente ha rotto piu' di tanto i coglioni, il tempo e' stato ottimo, io ero in ottima salute e di ottimo umore, i colleghi mi hanno persino omaggiato di un presente davvero apprezzato!) ho vissuto alcune strane sensazioni.
Riflettevo ad esempio, sul fatto di sapere di fare certe cose PER L'ULTIMA VOLTA.
Non e' una cosa stupida, se ci pensate. Quante volte ci e' capitato? Nemmeno finendo l'universita' c'ho pensato. Ci puo sempre capitare il master, la specialistica, la seconda laurea.
Ora invece, so che non tornero' piu' in banca, ne son certo. Non faro' piu' bonifici, prelevamenti per conto dei clienti o cose del genere. No mas. E mentre ci pensavo, chiudevo le casseforti per l'ultima volta, una strana sensazione mi percorreva dentro.
So che alla fine tutto cio' non vuol dire un cazzo, che quel che conta e' che adesso sia finalmente fuori dalla cage e possa volgere le mie attenzioni altrove. La mia decisione l'ho presa e ne sono strafelice.
Ma ecco.. non sottovalutate questa riflessione. Se nella vita ci si vede sempre due volte - lo sto dicendo a milllle persone in questi giorni! - devo ancora sentire un detto che reciti che nella vita le cose si fanno sempre due volte.
Today, finally, for my own's sake, has been my very last day of school, as I called it. Last day I worked in a bank. Last day I touched some thousands euros, probably last day I handled 500 euros bills in my life. Poor expectations, right? Right. No, I'm jocking. One day I'll be handling a lot of them, without being harassed by hordes of people craving for withdrawals at the same moment.
Anyway, the last day.
I woke up pretty energetic today, active. Not usual for me. Then, I hauled myself to the kitchen window, and looked outside. The view was gorgeous. Perhaps the factories and the rural homes betrayed the fact that I still was in Padova staring north to the Dolomites and the Alps, but them, they were just amazing today. The sky was clear, extremely clear. Not 99.5%, but 100% clear. I could see those mountaintops shining from the first sunbeams in the morning. Some of them were bright yellow, others red gaining a hint of orange. The sky as well was getting coloured: reddish, purple, some deep blu reflections somewhere. It was kind of breathtaking, the way a simple stare out of your window could enchant you. That was it, this morning.
I drove my car towards what I used to call "the cage" in the last days for the last time this morning, listening to a song called "America". Inspirations.
I got back to my car and I found the first song playing on my Ipod being "Life goes on", by 2Pac. Was it a sign? I guess so. I drove back home happily, the wind blowing on my neck, the sun shining on my sunglasses. As happy as a scholar going home with her friends after the last day of school.
Posso dire una cosa, ora. E' stato un giorno strano, felice ma strano. Sebbene tutto sia girato bene (nessun cliente ha rotto piu' di tanto i coglioni, il tempo e' stato ottimo, io ero in ottima salute e di ottimo umore, i colleghi mi hanno persino omaggiato di un presente davvero apprezzato!) ho vissuto alcune strane sensazioni.
Riflettevo ad esempio, sul fatto di sapere di fare certe cose PER L'ULTIMA VOLTA.
Non e' una cosa stupida, se ci pensate. Quante volte ci e' capitato? Nemmeno finendo l'universita' c'ho pensato. Ci puo sempre capitare il master, la specialistica, la seconda laurea.
Ora invece, so che non tornero' piu' in banca, ne son certo. Non faro' piu' bonifici, prelevamenti per conto dei clienti o cose del genere. No mas. E mentre ci pensavo, chiudevo le casseforti per l'ultima volta, una strana sensazione mi percorreva dentro.
So che alla fine tutto cio' non vuol dire un cazzo, che quel che conta e' che adesso sia finalmente fuori dalla cage e possa volgere le mie attenzioni altrove. La mia decisione l'ho presa e ne sono strafelice.
Ma ecco.. non sottovalutate questa riflessione. Se nella vita ci si vede sempre due volte - lo sto dicendo a milllle persone in questi giorni! - devo ancora sentire un detto che reciti che nella vita le cose si fanno sempre due volte.
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